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Bridge Pose | Setu Bandhasana

foundations Mar 13, 2013

Oh Bridge Pose- how I love thee! Just let me count the ways…

Bridge is an excellent and safe back bend for those new to Yoga practice. We have options to support the body with props to make the posture more restorative (see modifications) and if you are an experience yogi or athlete I encourage you to not overlook this back bend as it offers to much opportunity for space and observation. If you are eyeing deeper back bending asanas, then this is the perfect pose to safely and consciously increase flexibility in the spine, integrate the breath and open the front body. Remember, take your time! Enjoy the journey and the practice.


  • Stretches the chest, back, abdominals, hips and legs
  • Strengthens the muscles of the back, the butt, legs and ankles
  • Opens hip flexors and psoas
  • Stretches the back of the neck also stimulating the Thyroid gland – which is responsible for energizing and fueling your calorie burning fire
  • Increases breath capacity (so breathe for heavens sake!) as you open chest and expand lungs
  • Counteracts those rounded shoulders from time spent at a desk or computer all day, playing instruments, carrying small children, etc.
  • Stimulates abdominal organs
  • Improves digestion
  • Relieves symptoms of Menopause
  • Can reduce backaches
  • Can reduce headaches (This is true for me!)
  • Increases flexibility in the spine
  • Offers opportunity to observe asymmetry in body and observe imbalances.


  • Use block between knees to create that engaging quality between the inner thighs
  • Place one block or two underneath sacrum for a more therapeutic posture. 
  • Avoid this posture if you are healing from injury in neck
  • Always take your time and be mindful

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