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Yoga For Complete Beginners

beginners Nov 07, 2013

I’m not going to bullshit you. I am going to cut right to the chase. Sometimes the hardest step is just at the starting line. We humans crave practice, ritual and routine. But the hardest part can simply be to begin. We create so many obstacles and excuses for ourselves as to why we cannot quite yet begin when in actuality with a slight shift we can use those same excuses and that same energy to tell ourselves why we simply cannot skip out or wait any longer. The time is now! You deserve it.

In fact, the time is now- and you have already begun. Hooray! 

The beauty of Yoga practice is it serves up what you intend, it always manages to fulfill and assist in incredible transformation. But you gotta practice. You just gotta. Yoga is not about what you do but how you do it. It is about the experience. It is not about becoming someone you are not- but rather, getting back to the true awesome you.

So here is a little video for the complete, brand new and total beginner – to help you feel comfortable on the mat and to give you a little taste of what Yoga Asana (the physical practice of yoga) is all about. A jumping off point if you will. Try this once for 7 days and let me know how you feel. Pay attention and for heavens sakes, smile and have fun. Yoga need not be so serious. Yoga is all about you- it is you.

As Sri K.Pattabhi Jois affirms, “Practice and all is coming.”

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