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Yoga For The Winter Blues

Feb 12, 2014

Ever heard of SAD? Seasonal Affective Disorder.  of WebMD says:

“With SAD, the lack of sunlight causes the brain to work overtime producing melatonin, the hormone that regulates your body clock and sleep patterns and a hormone that has been linked to depression. That’s why all things considered, the farther north from the equator you live, the greater the risk you’ll have some degree of winter depression. Only about 1% of Florida residents have some winter-specific discomfort or depression, compared to about half of those living in uppermost parts of the U.S. or in southern Canada.

A lot of my friends and family have been blast with some incredible winter weather this year. The sunshine is shorter or non-existent and the desire to go outside let alone exercise is slim pickings. I have heard from multiple people that the ice, snow and grayness is starting to “get to them” and even for the brightest of personalities one can lose their New Year’s spark and motivation.  I decided to put together a little sequence to bring a consciousness back to the body – a little check in to raise your spirit and bring wellness to the body during this cold season.

A little winter pick me up for anyone who might need a LIFT – whatever the weather, really.

Practice this when you are feeling depressed, down, at a loss, on empty or frustrated. OR, practice when you are feeling good and want to connect to some “YOU TIME” and a relish in a good mood!

Here are my 10 tips for combating winter blues:

  1. Aim for a regular sleep schedule
  2. Take Vitamin D supplements
  3. Read instead of watch Netflix – some.
  4. Write letters or cards to loved ones
  5. Do your spring cleaning now so you can play in the Spring!
  6. Stock your kitchen with whole – unprocessed foods
  7. Play uplifting music
  8. Dance – even a 30 second secret dance will do!
  9. Keep a journal
  10. Limit your caffeine intake and drink lots of water.

Oh and stretch my friends! DO YOGA!!!

Yoga to Beat the Winter Blues is great for anyone who wants to stir up the energetic body and stretch and strengthen the physical body. This 30 min at home sequence for all levels is great to counter hours on the couch or reading in bed! Warm it up with this sequence designed to assist you in checking in with the mind and body in its current state and using the yoga tools to refresh, replenish and reboot.

Remember “You have to be present to win.” So check in with this sequence and find ease. Leave what does not serve you on the mat! Get curious, go inward, be mindful, remember your sense of humor and have some fun.

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