Free Yoga Videos

Chair Pose – Utktasana

Sit back in your fierce chair with proper alignment and action. Adriene breaks down this powerful yoga pose that tones and rejuvenate the legs. Chair pose strengthens the ankles, the hip flexors, the lower and back body and opens the front body and chest. It is also stimulates the heart and is gre...

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Gate Pose | Parighasana

Learn Gate Pose or Parighasana as our Foundations of Yoga series continues. This pose is a great check in with the center or the core! It lengthens the side body, stretches the legs and is wonderful for a strong and healthy back body. Use your breath to grow the pose and watch it unfold. Smile and...

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Wind Relieving Pose

I’m not making this up. This Foundations Of Yoga Pose has many benefits and can be practiced in the comfort of your own home! Massage the internal organs, connect to your center and stretch it out. A little yoga goes a long way! Listen to your body and get your fart on with this Foundations Of Yog...

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Knees, Chest, Chin Pose

Knees chest chin pose is a great full body strengthener. Here we break it down starting with the foundations of the posture and then slowly move to how we might transition with toes on the ground from Downward Facing Dog.

This pose is a wonderful preparatory pose for Chaturanga Dandasana and othe...

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Side Plank Pose

In this episode of the Foundations of Yoga we learn Side Plank. Adriene offers several variations and encourages you to find what feels good, move at your own pace, build strength and get happy!

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Crow Pose | Bakasana

In this special Halloween episode of Yoga With Adriene we learn the foundations of Crow Pose.

Bakasana is a Hatha Yoga arm balance that challenges the mind body connection in the most fun way and strengthens the core. Also known as the Crane pose, this posture strengthens the arms, the wrist, the...

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Standing Wide-Legged Forward Fold

Foundations of Yoga continues with Adriene! In this episode we learn Standing Wide-Legged Forward fold from the ground up with a strong focus on Action and Alignment.

This pose is great for the whole body! Prasarita Padottanasana strengthens the legs and the back and tones the abdominal wall. It ...

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Triangle Pose – Trikonasana

Oh Triangle Pose! I used to hate thee and now I love thee! My how you evolve and ever shape change!

Our Foundations Of Yoga continues on! This series is great for those timid about coming to class or those wanting to deepen their practice by focusing on action and alignment.  Here we break down t...

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Samasthiti – Four Part Equal Standing

Our first “silent” episode!

This new series is from the heart. I lost my voice this summer and have been adjusting my life and my work to vocal rest for healing. Because Chris and I met on a movie set and we both have an affinity for the silent movie era we decided to get creative and have some f...

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Sun Salutation A

Sun Salutation A is a great warm up for the whole body that is typically practiced at the beginning of yoga class. This sequence has a rich history and is full of benefits for both the mind and body. Breathe deep and stretch it out! Start slow and repeat. I break down all of these postures in the Fo...

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Tree Pose

Learn the foundations of Tree Pose (Vrksasana) with Adriene! In this video we break down the details of the posture and work from the ground up and the inside out to find empowerment, strength, stability and balance. A special appearance by Blue the dog too!

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Pigeon Pose

Learn the Pigeon Pose (or one legged pigeon) as part of The Foundations Of Yoga Series! This happy hip opener is therapeutic and not to be rushed. Take your time as you breathe into that hip and stretch the thighs, the abdomen and open your heart! This one has many benefits and again, is not to be...

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