Free Yoga Videos

Plank Pose

Plank pose can be pesky. It comes up a lot in active Hatha Yoga classes, it is part of the traditional Sun Salutation Sequence and a certain mindset is needed to want to do it.

Here we break down the pose so that we connect to our inner strength, or sometimes in yoga we call it the inner fire, an...

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High Lunge

Get Em High!

This posture is wonderful place to check in with your center. The area between the belly button and the spine. Also, near that second chakra (buzzword!) which is all about our connection to change and ability to accept new experiences. A powerful point the body if I do say so myself....

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Bridge Pose | Setu Bandhasana

Oh Bridge Pose- how I love thee! Just let me count the ways…

Bridge is an excellent and safe back bend for those new to Yoga practice. We have options to support the body with props to make the posture more restorative (see modifications) and if you are an experience yogi or athlete I encourage y...

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Warrior II Pose | Virabhadrasana II

Warrior II Pose (or Virabhadrasana II) is a standing posture that encourages you to build balance and stability in the body. It has a load of benefits and is a great tool to focus the mind and connect to your center. This video part of our Foundations of Yoga series suitable for beginners and grea...
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Cobra Pose

You are likely to encounter Cobra Pose and its sister poses in a Hatha Yoga class.
So learn it here or review it with fresh new year eyes! Shed that skin and rejuvenate! Check in with your back. Go slow. Take care of that sweet spine. Open your heart, dang it! You deserve it.

This video is part o...

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Downward Facing Dog

Downward Facing Blog. My boyfriend thought of that. Not me.

Oh, Downward Dog! Let me count the ways you have changed and continue to change. You are a shapeshifter and a magical mirror.

Straight up: The day I fell in love with downward facing dog is the day I truly fell in love with Yoga.

Cue: ...

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Reclined Twist

Reclined Twist is great for beginners! This reclined pose has many benefits! It is so YUMMY for the spine and digestion. It is also a lovely way to release stress, tension, and toxins from the body. This twist squeezes and stretches all the muscles and organs of the torso and even tones the core. ...

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Corpse Pose

Corpse Pose (or Savasana) is often considered the MOST IMPORTANT asana in Hatha Yoga. I believe it and treasure this posture.

Here we relax and often cool down at the end of a practice but you can practice the actions of Corpse Pose anytime & anywhere!

Grab a blanket or a pillow and take a rest....

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Runner’s Lunge

“Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme, get on up, it’s bobsled time! Cool Runnings!!!”

Great movie. Great message. John Candy.


“Cooling Runnings” means “Peace Be The Journey.” I love that. That is what yoga is all about. It is not about mastering the poses but it is about getting there. I often...

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Forward Fold | Uttanasana

Be not the slave of your own past. Plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep and swim far, so you shall come back with self-respect, with new power, with an advanced experience that shall explain and overlook the old.  –Ralph Waldo Emerson

Let's go swimming. 

Will you plunge into a metaphorical po...

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Tadasana | Mountain Pose

The way you carry yourself really is everything. I can get behind that 110% now. The way you see yourself in the mirror, the way you walk into a room, the way your body responds to news.  It takes time, but infusing the body with awareness is the best treatment for improving the quality of your li...

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Bound Angle Pose | Baddha Konasana

Cue music and LeVar! 

“Butterfly in the Sky…” It’s true I had butterflies on the mind when I sat down to write this. (Better there than in my belly.) And, yes, it is true that I went to YouTube and listened to the Reading Rainbow theme song before I could settle in to write this. OKAY? IT'S GOOD!...

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