Free Yoga Videos

Yoga + Pranayama For The Spine

Yoga and Pranayama Breath Practice For The Spine. This full body yoga practice for the spine incorporates a gentle approach to awakening the breath, balancing the energy of the body and toning the muscles through mindful movement. This is your time slow down. Spring and summer season invite us...

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Sitali – The Cooling Breath

Our journey into the Pranayama series continues! Learn SITALI, the cooling breath, or as I like to call it – TACO BREATH!

I believe a breath practice has so much power. It can transform your patterns in the mind and body and can empower. Great after a run, a workout, an argument or when...

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Breath of Fire

In this pranayama practice we tackle the Breath Of Fire or Kapalabhati. This powerful breath is rhythmic and consists of short strong exhales and passive inhales. It works the diaphragm and when practiced regularly can benefit the entire muscular body, remove scary toxins and sharpen your focus!...

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Lion’s Pose & Lion’s Breath

In this video we break down this pranayama practice and pose. We remind ourselves to have fun, let go of what people think and to invite in a practice that serves you! Explore this breath practice in many shapes or whilst in traffic.

Take a moment to find what feels good! Smile! Practice self...

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Alternate Nostril Breathing

Our Pranayama Series continues with Nadi Shodhan pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing)! It only LOOKS like I’m picking my nose. This breath technique has so many benefits! It is a great way to calm the nervous system and relieve tension and anxiety. It is great for concentration,...

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Ujjayi Breathing – Victorious Breath

Learn the Victorious Breath (Ujjayi Pranayama)! This is the first video in our Pranayama Series that focuses on breathing techniques and inspiration for a yoga practice that is focused and fueled by the breath. Ujjayi is a great tool for Hatha Yoga and is used to focus the mind and assist in the...

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